Model of Transfers Study sources
Jiri Voltr, 2022

Jiri Voltr *

A programmer by day and a physicist by night, or vice versa.
Self-employed since 2014.

Motto: The day when I do not learn, create, or experience anything new is a wasted day.

*In fact, it is Jiří Voltr, but I have decided not to use the accents in my first name whenever possible. Pronounciation of formal Jiří [:jɪr̝iː], informal Jirka, and Voltr.


Model of Transfers   My recent work   My Interests   Useful Links   Socials

Model of Transfers

The Model of Transfers, first published in [1], is a model that is capable of deriving the set of all the fundamental interactions from first principles. It is a tool that can help particle physics grow.

Basic-level information about the Model of Transfers:

Intermediate-level information about the model: Advanced-level information about the model:

[1] J. Voltr, Derivation of the set of the fundamental interactions from first principles, Eur. Phys. J. Plus 137, 27 (2022),

My activities

During July 18 to Juny 24, 2024, I am attending conference ICHEP2024 (42th International Conference on High Energy Physics).

My recent work

The Periodic Table of the Fudamental Interactions / Information transfers

A0 Poster as a
PDF file (260 kiB) or as an PNG image (6 MiB).

Derivation of the set of the fundamental interactions from first principles

J. Voltr
European Physical Journal Plus 137, 27 (2022), doi: /10.1140/epjp/s13360-021-02169-2
open access, published Dec 15, 2021, 63 pages
Springer website (HTML, PDF 1 MB), Eur. Phys. J. Plus website, local copy
Summary of the article, Errata of the article;
Ask AI questions about the article: (of course, always double-check the answers)

How programming the Universe has probably lead to resolving several unsolved problems of the contemporary physics

J. Voltr
presented on Jan 13, 2022, 75 minutes + discussion
Power Point slides are of restricted access.

My interests

My main interests are: physics, computer science and information technology, self-improvement, and languages.

On a general level, my interests are probably best represented by my bookshelf. As someone has once said: "Show me your bookshelf and I shall tell you who you are". Here it is.

You may notice that there are no printed articles and practically no books on computer science and information technology. The reason is that it is almost always better to use online resources. They can be fixed and enlarged, and you do not need to buy or even look for the updated version.


  • High-energy physics (particle physics) within and beyond the Standard Model
  • Gravity within and beyond General Relativity
  • First-principles approach, such as Model of Transfers first published here.

Computer Science and Information Technology

  • Deductive knowledge bases and query systems (deductive in terms of data, and in terms of the input language structures)
  • Semantic artifical intelligence


  • English
  • Spanish

Useful links


Google Scholars,, OpenAlex (new).
Journals: Physical Review D, European Physical Journal C (Particles and Fields), European Physical Journal Plus, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, International Journal of Modern Physics C (Computational Physics and Physical Computation), CERN Courier.
Libraries: MFF UK library, FJFI CVUT library.
Conferences: Conference Series, ICHEP2024, SUSY24, XIVth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum 2022, SUSY2019, ICNFP2019, PSI2019.
Podcasts: Astronomy Cast, Coffee Break Señal y Ruido (iVoox).
Software: Maple, Wolfram Alpha, Desmos.
Unsorted/Multipurposed: Inspire HEP

Programming and Computer Science

General: Stackoverflow.
DB developement: Oracle, My SQL, MS SQL.
Backend/Frontend development: Free Pascal (Lazarus IDE), Java, C/C++.
Web development: HTML, CSS, XSLT (XPath), Java Script, PHP (PHP engine), W3C.
Specifics: RegExp, Data structures.

General and unsorted

Web search: DuckDuckGo, Google.
Encyclopediae: Wikipedia English, Czech, Spanish, Britannica.
Books: In English Google Books, Book Depository, Amazon, In Czech Databaze knih, Kosmas, Dum knihy.


Twitter:@JiriVoltr (not used recently)

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